Goofy is an antagonist in the fourth version of Five Nights at Treasure Island, also known as Remastered 4.0, by StellaWisps and Blackout1912.
Goofy is an eyeless Goofy with long arms that has a black body, an orange sweater, a yellow vest, blue pants, white gloves, and brown shoes. He also has very long arms and a green hat on his head, and the eye holes have several black eyebrows. Like his arms, Goofy's neck is very elongated.
It was planned for Goofy to be lured around by shutting off the cameras. The player would hear constant low breathing that would get louder the closer Goofy got to the player, this was to signify where he was. If he entered the Office, the player would instantly die. To avoid such an outcome, it was necessary to keep Goofy as far away from the Office as possible.
- Unlike the previous versions, Goofy has a head. That's why his name is Goofy, not Acephalous.
- However, in the old map concept, his name is Acephalous, not Goofy.[1]
- Goofy is the tallest character in Remastered 4.0.
- Goofy is the only character in 4.0 whose behavior is known.
- His muscles might lead what happened to Henry.